Shot clinic today at HS gym.
about 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
shot clinic
December Sonic Students of the Month were Levi Starkey, Leilani Daniels, Spencer Royal, MaKenna Hamil, Rhett McCartor, and Beau Bryant. Thank you, students, for showing kindness to your peers and lending a helping hand to your teachers. December Teacher of the Month was our outstanding PK teacher, Ms. Nicole Kuper. From day one, Ms. Kuper captured the hearts of her students and the admiration of her coworkers. She is an expert chaos coordinator and has added so much positive energy to the atmosphere of our school.
about 3 years ago, Shannon Shoaf
December students of the month.
No fall picture retakes Wednesday Jan 5. Rescheduled for Jan 25, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
picture day canceled
Jh s/m brackets for Jan 10,13, and 15, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
jh s/m bracket
jh s/m bracket
Circle the State with Song will practice on January 4, 6, 11, 18, and 20. All voice parts are encouraged to attend all practices, if possible. Concert is on January 24 at 6 pm in Laverne.
about 3 years ago, Nicki Broyles
Breakfast and lunch menu for January
over 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
cafeteria menu
cafeteria menu
Brackets for the hs ward center classic @ Seiling
over 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
Seiling WC tv
ward center classic
Lady Wildcats over Calumet, play tomorrow at 5:30
over 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
Lady Wildcats over Calumet
Arnett Wildcats get the win over Okeene in the Canton tournament and play tomorrow at 1.
over 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
Wildcats get the win.
You can pick up a form in Remick’s office or from Mrs. Knowles.
over 3 years ago, Shala Knowles
Mums order form
The 2021-2022 Homecoming Court
over 3 years ago, Shala Knowles
2021-22 Homecoming Court
Homecoming dress up day December 13-17
over 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
Homecoming spirit week dress up days December 13-17.
Vaccine clinic at Arnett gym
over 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools
vaccine clinic at Arnett gym
Arnett Elementary Christmas Program will be on Thursday, December 16, at 7 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Nicki Broyles
Christmas Program
Games vs Sweetwater for December 3, 2021 have been canceled. Working on a reschedule date.
over 3 years ago, Arnett Public Schools